Curls Genesis by Adam Thwaites copyright 2011. All of this product's content was created by Adam Thwaites Product Support: Files List: ReadMeCurlsGenesis.txt (see the list below for all other included files) Needed Files List: DAZ Studio 4 or newer (free, advanced or pro) Installation Instructions: 1. Extract the Zip folder to where your DAZ Studio "My Library" folder is located. 2. As an alternative you can extract the Zip folder to a different location and manually copy the folders and files to the correct location as listed below. Exact folder names and locations: ..\Documentation\ ReadMeCurlsGenesis.txt License0409.txt ..\My Library\data\MostDigitalCreations\Curls\Curls\UV Sets\MostDigitalCreations\Base\ default.dsf ..\My Library\data\MostDigitalCreations\Curls\Curls\ CurlsMesh.dsf ..\My Library\People\Genesis\Hair\Curls\Materials\ Black.dsa Black.dsa.png BlackEHSS.dsa BlackEHSS.dsa.png Blonde.dsa Blonde.dsa.png BlondeEHSS.dsa BlondeEHSS.dsa.png Brown.dsa Brown.dsa.png BrownEHSS.dsa BrownEHSS.dsa.png Red.dsa Red.dsa.png RedEHSS.dsa RedEHSS.dsa.png ..\My Library\People\Genesis\Hair\Curls\ Curls.dsf Curls.png ..\My Library\Runtime\textures\Curls\ curlsBLACK2_TEX.jpg curlsBLACK3_TEX.jpg curlsBLACK4_TEX.jpg curlsBLACK5_TEX.jpg curlsBLACK_TEX.jpg curlsBLONDE2_TEX.jpg curlsBLONDE3_TEX.jpg curlsBLONDE4_TEX.jpg curlsBLONDE5_TEX.jpg curlsBLONDE_TEX.jpg curlsBROWN2_TEX.jpg curlsBROWN3_TEX.jpg curlsBROWN4_TEX.jpg curlsBROWN5_TEX.jpg curlsBUMP.jpg curlsRED2_TEX.jpg curlsRED3_TEX.jpg curlsRED4_TEX.jpg curlsRED5_TEX.jpg curlsRED_TEX.jpg curlsTRANS.jpg curlsTRANS2.jpg curlsbrown_TEX.jpg Application Instructions: 1. Start DAZ Studio and load Genesis into the scene. Select Genesis. 2. In the Content Library you can now open DAZ Studio Formats, My Library, People, Genesis, Hair, Curls. 3. Load the Curls figure and it should automatically fit to Genesis. 4. Select the Curls figure in the Scene tab. 5. In the Content Library you can now open DAZ Studio Formats, My Library, People, Genesis, Hair, Curls, Materials. 6. Load the Material Preset that you would like to use. The EHSS presets include information for use with the Elite Human Surface Shader. Use those if you own that product. 7. The hair is now ready and you can pose Genesis etc. and then render. NOTE: The hair figure will morph automatically to whatever morph you use on Genesis e.g. Victoria 5 etc. etc. Please wait a few seconds after morphing or posing to allow the hair to update and for any smoothing modifiers etc. to be set. 8. Use the best quality render settings that your system can handle. I hope you enjoy this hair pack for Genesis! If you have any questions just drop me a line at the email address above. Cheers Adam You may use this package as you wish in your commercial and non-commercial renders. You are not permitted to redistribute the package or any of its contents without written permission.